
Zs spread a disgusting, immoral stain over all humanity

.. Z-ray-Hell ...

  .. provides enduring proof ...

     .. that we are ruled by psychopathic criminals

We, of the 'reality based' community, are neither amused, nor deceived.

The Zs' continuous, ghastly inhumanity to Palestinian ELO/Os (= forcefully, *illegally* dispossessed erstwhile legal owner/occupiers) - brings opprobrium (= public disgrace arising from someone's shameful conduct) onto *all* Js, *everywhere* - plus, of course, onto all supporters, apologists & bottle-washers. The theft of almost an entire country via genocidal, ethnic-cleansing oppression through Nuremberg-class criminality (the 'establishment' of Israel was a slow-motion, aggressive, armed-alien invasion = burglary/home invasion = murdering theft), including the deliberately lying hasbara deployed as cynical *attempted* 'cover-story,' will go down in history as *far, far* worse than the rightly despised 3rd Reich; hardly credible (for some) but nevertheless, *self-evidently true*.

(That paragraph all OK with *you*, personally?)

The *really* funny thing is that they (Zs&Co) thought that we'd never notice? Well, as long as the AusBC&Co (aka corrupt & venal MSM) had a monopoly on 'news' gatekeeper/dumbing-down functions, perhaps they may have had a chance (but snowball, Hell... word gets around.)

No way; at least not any more; even some of the TV-anaesthetised zombies are starting to wake up.

Proof: If the Zs had any valid claim, they'd be able to demonstrate legal land/property transfer via mutually agreed free & fair sale. So show us the title-deeds?

As if that wasn't bad enough, it gets worse, *far, far* worse. 1st, the *bloody* AusBC have misinformed this whole wide-brown, over my whole life - I 1st detected their lies (silly me; trust, fury, scorned) post 9/11 (suspected *inside job* = black-flag psyop), post Iraq, definitely *illegal invasion* thereof. Then we see bipartisan = un- & anti-democratic support of Z-ray-Hell by successive Aus governments. Not, of course, just Aus; UK & US were and are still involved, proven by Balfour (declaration) & Truman (same-day recognition of 'unilaterality', said to be 'for electoral reasons' = traitorous corruption of democracy), down to today with US continually arming the crims. Aus, UK & US; any more? Well, of course, (apart from other quisling sycophants) the UN - which(who) should have rescinded UNGA181 latest after Plan Dalet/Deir Yassin massacre etc. (such crimes continuing down to today) - incontrovertibly demonstrated the Zs' true colours.

GWBush: 'For or against!'

IF one is not actively *against* Israel, THEN one is *for* lying, thieving, *murdering* criminality = 'world-class' inhumanity (bad things can happen, when good people don't at the very least speak up).

No peace without justice - so when does the *moral, thinking* world smarten up?

1 comment:

  1. "Zs' inhumanity brings opprobrium onto *all* Js, *everywhere*?" - Yes. Some Js recognise this, and attempt to dissociate themselves from the Z-crimes, and fewer actually try to campaign against them. But just as saying "Sorry!" (which vanishingly few Zs ever do) can't fix much, since the Zs claim that Z-ray-Hell as a 'J-homeland,' all dissociation efforts are as useless as pointless. Only full return/revest/recompense can begin restoring Js to a less than terminally immoral position.
