
when push comes to shove
 'our' awful aunty AusBC
  walks over cadavers

.. am I mad ...

  .. or is it them? ...

    .. I don't lie or kill -> it's them

Thesis/Subtitle: How long must we wait until sanity - and decency - is restored?


Nigger, d**k hanging in glass of curdled milk.

Passer-by: Hey, man - what you do'n?

Nigger: Ah'm f**k'n dis custard.

Trigger article 1:

Rebel celebrations wreak havoc on Qaddafi's compound
Updated August 24, 2011 10:09:00
Rebel fighters drive through Tripoli
(Anne Barker)
  «Their forces rushed in, cheering and firing their guns in the air.
With scenes similar to the fall of Baghdad, the Libyan forces set about destroying a statue of Muammar Gaddafi.»

Comment: Read it yourself. The propaganda was that G was attacking his own people (snipers, containers of Viagra), my bet is that it was much more the other way; pig-higorants shooting their gifted weapons at anything, nothing, and d*g help you if you were anywhere at all in range. We saw the pictures (US-style pick-ups, humungous weapons welded-on (careful in the round-abouts)), and speaking of which, by whom and how were the TV videos made, of berserkers imitating US-grunts, kicking doors in, guns at the obvious ready? Or down putative 'spider holes,' braving mines and/or ambush? A: True heroes, or Hollywood crews out on a (faked) lark?

Trigger article 2:

Rebels find Gaddafi's 'creepy' Condoleezza scrapbook
Updated August 26, 2011 23:12:02
  «Among the pictures in the album are a series of photos of Dr Rice and Colonel Gaddafi during their 2008 diplomatic talks in Tripoli.» 

Comment: Read it yourself. Not only Rice, but Blair et al., any number of snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on. Were they insincere then, now, or both?


Barker is an AusBC propagandist, see my previous post here. Every time she's 'allowed' an article on Iran, she inevitably includes something like: 'The west suspects Iran of wanting an A-bomb.' (This, despite the consensus of all 17(?) US 'intel' agencies: "Not!") She 'jumped' from the ME to London (riots; AusBC support for Cameron) sometime between Aug 3 and 10, now between Aug 19 and 23 to Libya. The 'girl' gets around - possibly because she has no ties-that-bind. If you saw a picture, you might understand her apparent preference for radio.


Back to Libya:

True, Gaddafi may not be dead yet; no so-called (Hollywood-cast) 'spider-hole,' no kangaroo court, no lynching filmed on mobile-'phone - yet. But with the NATO-sponsored rebel-rabble 'leadership' posting a $1.x mio 'dead or alive' reward, it won't be long. So much for civilisation, and US-NATO-F+UK 'ethical' support.

Worse than troglodytes; Libya had good education, lots of social programs, medical etc.. But they were thoroughly propagandised: 'You wanna be free!' (Don't we all, of lies & rip-offs.) Not just 'wanna,' they were helped - by 5mths aerial bombardment, then at the end, a NATO ship, brings the duds to Tripoli, while NATO helicopter gun-ships clear the way in front of them. Real 'men.' (Psst guys! Look for the containers filled with 'blueies!')

More like vicious ingrates. (For those with neither education nor dictionary: ingratitude  n. lack of due gratitude.[POD])

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