
trick & (re)treat
  can the jokester Obama
   push the Zs back behind pre'67 borders?

.. after 63+ bloody years ...

  .. ethnically cleansing Palestine ...

    .. giving up even 1cm² would give Zs seizures

Putative subtitle: White man speak with forked-tongue.

This subtitle could be considered prima facie racist, but given a) that the US was built on land ethnically cleansed of its pre-European invasion natives, b) Israel is built on land ethnically cleansed of its pre-Zionist invasion natives and c) the Zionists' recognition-demand bleatings themselves include an undeniably racist term[1], it's not me who suffers from "deep-rooted racism."


Trigger article:

Obama delivers Middle East peace vision
By Jane Cowan and Anne Barker
Updated May 20, 2011 09:53:00
  «Barack Obama presented his most detailed vision yet on the path to Israeli-Palestinian peace.» 

Comment: 63+ bloody, and bloody-well unsuccessful years of 'peace-process' stories, via and *assisted* by the AusBC, and *NO* visible change except Zionist outwards border 'creep' should tell us of a) the competency of the 'players' and/or b) the not-so hidden agendas they have 'in play.'

The Z-demands are always the same, and note the language: "demands," as opposed to the normal negotiation process of exchanging offers to compromise?

Z-apologist-demand #1: The right to exist.

Q #1: Why? UNGA181 offered a 'Jewish homeland' in a partition of Palestine; it did *not* envisage any diminution of the “civil and religious rights of [the] existing non-Jewish” Arab majority there, nor did it sanction any use of force. Once Plan Dalet & Deir Yassin-type massacres showed the Zionists' true colours, the 'Zionist project' should have been terminated (by the UN) to prevent the murdering ethnic cleansing which took place and still continues. Deir Yassin-type massacres are clearly illegal (as well as utterly immoral), and *cancel* any claimed 'right to exist,' as criminal acts extirpate all rights (except to a fair trial). Lacking legitimacy, all subsequent Zionist claims must fail.

Z-apologist-demand #2: The right to claim land won in a 'civil war.'

Q #2: Why? a) In the 1st place, the Zionists were overwhelmingly newly arrived immigrants. When new arrivals attack local natives, that's referred to as an 'alien invasion' = aggressive = Nuremberg. In the 2nd place, UNSCR242 refers to the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war."  b) Land(property) may only be acquired by free&fair exchange; all improperly alienated land(property) should revest.

Z-apologist-demand #3: The right to unilaterally declare independence.

Q #3: Why? a) Following #1 = illegitimacy, nothing remains except to be brought to justice. b) May a burglar/home-invader declare their independence from justice? Absurd. Yet not merely 'tolerated' but supported by the US + sycophant-quisling regimes. It's called condoning crime.

Z-apologist-demand #4: The right to defend.

Q #4: Why? See #3, depending on #1 = illegitimacy = all rights extirpated. The correct response to a burglary/home-invasion is not to arm the criminals, but to send in the SWAT teams, to arrest and bring to trial. (Compare Abbottobad perversion of justice.)

Terminology: Alien invader-murderers for spoil = AIMs4S; this clearly fits the Zionist project perpetrators in Palestine. The hapless victims are erstwhile legal owner/occupiers = ELO/Os. Given the Deir Yassin-type massacres, more or less continuously down to the most recent outrage = shooting many unarmed Nakba-demonstrators dead, Q: what right did they ever have to renaming the ethnically-cleansed part of Palestine to Israel? A: IMHO none, no rights at all.

Comment: The Zionist project = Israel is clearly illegitimate. In UNGA273, Israel promised to honour UNGA181 (respect ELO/Os' rights) & UNGA194 (ELO/Os' right of return). That the Zionist AIMs4S violate their own promises is unremarkable, since lying is a minor sin compared to murdering theft.

Comment: That Obama may change the Zionists' modus operandi, let alone criminal course, is on the face of it risible = fails the 'giggle-test;' rage and threats from Israeli extremists are the 1st visible responses.

Fazit: There can be no peace without justice = finally respect ELO/Os' rights, and their right of return, their improperly alienated property to revest and/or a fair recompense and reparations. The US & UN both could earn some credibility; the Zs could begin a retreat from complete pariah-status. The Zs could start with a sincere "Sorry!"


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