The Demon Zionists (continued)
G'day ID, this is a copy of what I sent to "Yourdemocracy".
G'day Gus,
Isn't the "Nazi Salute" merely a copy of the Roman Emperor’s? And the Nazi banners and marches a copy the Americans with troops the width of the roadway they use? A show of power?
What I am trying to say here Gus is that the demands by the Zionists with respect to the removal of freedom of expression, merely because it offends them personally, actually supports the theory that they consider themselves the "untouchables"?
I originally came into this debate about occupied Palestine - because of the way the Zionists had cast aside the principles of the U.N. Charter and common decency for a time now exceeding 60 years. They have acted consistently with lies, deceit, guile and contempt for right and wrong.
It actually beggars belief that these centuries’ old procedures of claiming that anything that is not conducive to their independent military plans (while they interfere with others) self pity (while they deny even a modicum of that to their chosen enemies) and Nazi/Apartheid policies (which they are repeating even as we write) - should be punished.
All decent human beings will be increasing their sympathies to the victims of the Zionists – as it should be. A contemporary world, misguided by the U.S. principles of “blame your enemy for doing what you are really doing yourself” is hopefully being exposed by people having access to sites such as this.
And I steal John Richardson's quote of Emile Zola ...
If we shut up truth & bury it under the ground, it will but grow, & gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through, it will blow up everything in its way.
That reminds one of the recorded speeches of such peaceful people as Ben Gurion, Golda Meir and that humanitarian Lieberman.
Netanyahu and his cohorts should consider that their rape and murder of the Palestinians may forever be remembered in the pages of non-Jewish history, even to a point which may expose the shameful part of it that they so deceitfully claim as only their “Holocaust” – not a Holocaust against humanity itself – just them! Fair dinkum.
Any deceit citizen of this world of ours must have an opinion of what is right or wrong?
Cheers mate. God bless Australia. NE OUBLIE.
the AusBC & denying the Holocaust (US, Z-rael vs. Iran)
.. this is *far* too serious ...
.. for playing games with it ...
.. yet the AusBC serially offends
[PPS added]
Preamble: A properly functioning democracy vitally depends, amongst other things, on complete and honest reporting of facts, free speech involving the exchange of validly-based opinions and the identification of lies and other distortions; censorship[0] in this context does *not* belong. Forbidding discussion of denial[1] of the Holocaust[2] or 9/11 'conspiracy' and/or 'false flag' theories, say, is not 'just' antidemocratic, but that in the extreme. Yet such forbidding occurs in some (dark, repressive) corners, as does the terming of *validly based* criticism of Z-rael 'anti-Semitic[3].' The latter is doubly erroneous; the word Semite[4] describes both Jews and Arabs - and as being related to each other, to boot. (When a Jew kills an Arab, he is (metaphorically) killing 'a brother' - nothing new there; move on!)
In particular, pushing lying propaganda and/or censoring vital truths cannot help but harm any entity based on justice via truth - as we assume that our democracies bloody-well ought to be.
Consider snips from the following three reports:
1. US blasts Ahmadinejad's Holocaust dismissal
By Washington correspondent Kim Landers
Posted September 19, 2009 05:00:00
«At a Tehran University at the end of an annual anti-Israel "Qods [Jerusalem] Day" rally, the Iranian leader said: "The pretext [Holocaust] for the creation of the Zionist regime [Israel] is false... It is a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim."
"Confronting the Zionist regime is a national and religious duty."
"We condemn what he said and I would point to what the President said in Cairo - denying the holocaust will isolate Iran further from the world," Mr Gibbs said.»
2. GMT: 9/18/2009 10:50:44 AM
President: Holocaust black box should be opened
Tehran, Sept 18, IRNA
«He added, "The pretext for establishing the Zionist regime is a lie; a lie which relies on an unreliable claim, a mythical claim, and the occupation of Palestine has nothing to do with the Holocaust."»
Note: The quotes *do not match*, why not? A search for "It is a lie based on an unprovable and mythical claim" site:.ir finds no hits, but a search for "a lie which relies on an unreliable claim" site:.ir gets 4. Who would have the 'better,' more authoritative translation? But that's a 'small' worry; see more below.
3. Ahmadinejad wants global front against Israel
Fri, 18 Sep 2009 09:46:45 GMT
«"The Zionist regime is the symbol of lies and deception," which was founded on 'colonialist' attitudes, President Ahmadinejad added.
The president then went on to question the story behind the Holocaust and urged a probe into it.
"If the Holocaust, as you claim, is true, why don't you allow a probe into the issue?"»
Note: Saying "IF (some question) THEN (some conclusion)" is *not* denial. Ahmadinejad (validly!) queries why some queries are not permitted, i.e. queries why genuine queries should be censored.
Discussion: As usual, one should read *all* of the cited articles. Then, the most pressing question, the most damning allegation, is of "Holocaust denial." That's what it's all about, does he or doesn't he? Attempting an answer is *not* helped by poor and/or un-attributed quotes; where/how does the Anglo/Judaic press, *known to be (criminally!) biased* get their inputs?
Finally (here), does the AusBC quote (if true) prove denial? IMHO, not. "The pretext," Oh, so cynically deployed by Zs certainly includes the Holocaust, but note that "The pretext" in (1) has "[Holocaust]" inserted (erroneously implying that the Holocaust itself is a lie); Ahmadinejad's statement quoted in (2) above equates "The pretext" directly with "lie." The two statements are *quite* different. Comment: Yes, the Holocaust was bad. No, the Holocaust was never reason to dispossess the pre-'47/8 legitimate owner/occupiers of Palestine - the UN itself acted immorally, if not illegally. IMHO, that is exactly Ahmadinejad's point. Then, having got a foot in the '47/8 door, the Zs proceeded to illegally dispossess ever more hapless Palestinians; genocide, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, etc. are all present now, as they have been for all of the 61+ bloody years since '47/8 = Z-murder for land-theft. *All* Israelis, *all* non-effectively protesting Jews everywhere - also in the so-called Diaspora[5] carry both the responsibility and the blame for these vicious Z-crimes (*not* to protest, and that *effectively*, is to extend (tacit) support) - and *all* will 'wear' the ignominy for as long as the crimes continue - and of course, without *complete* 'reconciliation' well beyond = possibly forever damned.
Ahmadinejad may be being deliberately provocative - but if he wished to deny the Holocaust, Q: Why doesn't he deny it boldly, baldly, directly? He is certainly otherwise outspoken... A: IMHO, because he *doesn't* deny it; he plays with the Z's (criminal!) perfidy.
It took me not much more than 15mins, from reading the 1st to finding the 2nd two. I'm an amateur seeker of truth; the AusBC are (supposedly) professionals. Yet their report seems to ignore and/or distort - or at least, takes no notice of - the info available in the 2nd two reports - why?
The previous sentence may be being too kind. I charge the AusBC with pushing deliberate distortions (aka lying) in the name of propagandising us, we the sheople - the ultimate source of the AusBC's dough. In a 'normal,' i.e. honest business, any and all employees discovered lying would instantly be sacked.
PS The AusBC language is both bizarre and inflammatory: "blasts" would be far better written "criticised." The AusBC does idiotic things like this all the time- boo! Hiss! Traitorous, anti-democratic bastards.
PPS Recall that this semantic 'storm in a teacup' - but containing the most ugly allegations - is not driven by Ahmadinejad, although he is being just that little bit naughty. Nooo, it (the semantic 'perfect' storm - of filthy lies, immoral propaganda, illegal threats "All options!" etc. - all aimed at vilifying Iran) is being driven by the so-called 'world leader,' revved-up by its illegitimate sprog, and the not so 'secret agenda' is ultimately to attack Iran and steal its 'patrimony' too, as the already well under way illegal, immoral invasion/brutal occupation of Iraq has shown. All this, while the US & Z-rael can't/won't *buy* what they want, Oh no; rather than buy, they set out to steal via murdering force. How utterly charming!
Their obvious motto: "Have guns; will & do murder to steal."
[0] censor —n. official authorized to suppress or expurgate books, films, news, etc., on grounds of obscenity, threat to security, etc. —v. 1 act as a censor of. 2 make deletions or changes in. censorial adj. censorship n. [Latin censeo assess]
Usage As a verb, censor is often confused with censure. [POD]
[1] denial n. 1 denying the truth or existence of a thing. 2 refusal of a request or wish. 3 disavowal of a leader etc. [ibid.]
deny v. (-ies, -ied) 1 declare untrue or non-existent. 2 repudiate or disclaim. 3 (often foll. by to) withhold (a thing) from (denied him the satisfaction; denied it to me). deny oneself be abstinent. [Latin: related to *negate] [ibid.]
[2] holocaust n. 1 large-scale destruction, esp. by fire or nuclear war. 2 (the Holocaust) mass murder of the Jews by the Nazis 1939–45. [Greek holos whole, kaustos burnt] [ibid.]
[3] anti-Semite n. person who is prejudiced against Jews. anti-Semitic adj. anti-Semitism n. [ibid.]
[4] Semite n. member of the peoples said to be descended from Shem (Gen. 10), including esp. the Jews and Arabs. [Greek Sem Shem] [ibid.]
[5] Diaspora n. 1 the dispersion of the Jews after their exile in 538 BC. 2 the dispersed Jews. [Greek] [ibid.]